
Confirmation of Payment iconConfirmation of Payment In Production iconIn Production Order shipped iconOrder shipped Completed iconCompleted Aborted sales iconAborted

The order page shows orders once they have been approved by the member. Please ensure that a payment of the correct amount for the corresponding ID number has been made. Order status can be set to keep the customer informed via their member page of the current progress of their order.

Order Id Promotional Code Order Date Member Value Payment Method Status Options
In Production iconID9645 - 25 July 2016 Julian Wilmot £286.85 Pay Direct Edit Print order details
In Production iconID9435 - 24 May 2016 Julian Wilmot £746.80 Pay Direct Edit Print order details
In Production iconID9434 - 24 May 2016 Julian Wilmot £276.91 Pay Direct Edit Print order details
In Production iconID7115 - 24 November 2014 Julian Wilmot £104.95 PayPal Edit Print order details